A Project will be composed with various actions. On the Plans tab, click on register.

To create a Project, you must fill in the following fields:

First, select “Project

Program: the Project may belong to a Program. You may select the Program here it’s the case.

Title (required): name of the project to be created

Responsible (required): person that will be responsible for the project

Evaluation: person who will evaluate after the end of the project

Start date: date in which the project begins

End date: date on which the project ends

Location: This location has been registered in the settings.

Type: category to which the project belongs. If at the time of registering the Type, something is filled in the text field, after selecting the type, the pre-registered information will appear in the text field for the project.

Text field: field to enter general information

After filling all the required fields out and the others pertinent to your needs, click Save.

The project has been created and will be available on your list of Programs and Projects.
