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To send multiple documents to Docs, you may use the import functionality on the Customer Portal.

This importation functionality is charged and released per company unit.

Preparing the file for upload

To import a file, it is necessary to follow some rules.

  1. The file to be sent must be in .zip format.
  2. This compressed file cannot have more than 100 documents.
  3. Documents with 0KB are not allowed, if the document is blank, it will not be possible to send it.
  4. It is not allowed to send a compressed file larger than 100MB.
  5. If there are folders in the compressed file, they will be ignored.
  6. Document codes must be unique, code duplication is not allowed.

Guidelines for documents to be imported

  • All documents within this compressed file must follow the title model:
    • [Document-code] _ [Document-name]

The underline character (_) must be used only as a separator to identify the code and name and cannot be used in the name of the document.

  • All documents sent will be defined as Completed Revision and do not follow the approval flow.
  • The revision and approval date of the document are defined with the date of the importation of the file.
  • The Elaborator/Author of the document will be the user who performed the bulk import.

Importing files through the Customer Portal

In the Customer Portal click on Import.

The screen for uploading the compressed file will be displayed.


Fields with * are required

  • Folder: Enter the name of the folder as it is in Docs, where the files to be imported will be stored.
  • Classification: Enter the name of the classification that is already registered in Docs, imported documents will be sent with that classification.

Remember that if there are folders with the same name, it will be imported into the first folder located by the import tool.

After filling in the information, click Select a .zip file to select the file that will be sent from your computer.

  • After selecting the file to be sent, click the check mark to send.
  • To remove the file and select another one before sending it, click on the trash can icon to remove the file.

To send the file click on the check mark, it will be necessary to inform the password to access Qualiex and click on Confirm to start sending.

After the loading is completed, a list is displayed with the documents that were not imported and the reason for the failure.

The date of the importation is listed in the document’s history.
