By enabling the controlled copy option, printed documents display a watermark on the body of the document identifying them as controlled, non-controlled , and unidentified copies .
- Go to Dashboard.
- Click on Docs – Documents.
3. Select the folder you want to change and click Options > Print Permissions.
A screen will appear with the options to grant the user the printing access to the documents that are in the folder.
When the permissions are applied to the root folder, the subfolders must assume the permissions enabled, it is not possible to change this.
Use a user group that was created in the Qualiex settings to display only the collaborators in that group.
- Print Controlled Copies: Defines that when printing the document, it will have the watermark with the information “Controlled Copy” .
Use for documents that must be more closely monitored when undergoing revision or replacement and must be collected by the company.
- Print non-controlled Copies: Defines that when printing the document, it will have the watermark with the information “Non-controlled Copy”.
These documents are not monitored when they are reviewed within the organization.
- Print Without Identification: Defines whether users can print documents without a watermark.