We can register customers that will be used in Qualiex Integridade records.
On the Customers tab, click .
The customer registration screen will be displayed.
We can select whether the registration is an individual or a legal entity.
- Physical person
- Name: Enter the customer’s name
- Document type: Select the document to be filled out.
- CPF or RG
- Document: Enter the document number according to the selected type.
- Address: Select the address shown in the listing.
- Legal person
- Name: Enter the company name.
- Company Name: Enter the company name
- Document type: Select the document to be filled out.
- Document: Enter the CNPJ of the company.
- Address: Select the address shown in the listing.
After completing the data click on the tab Contat to add the company ‘s data and responsible for the communication of that company.
The information to be filled in will be displayed, after entering the information click on to complete the registration.
Removing a client
In the record to be removed, click on the context menu and select the Remove option.
To remove it is necessary to confirm the operation.